
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Where are the brakes on this thing?

School is over, but I am not really any less busy! What's going on?

Well, I have no furniture in my bedroom now because I spent all day last Saturday loading it into my dad's truck and dropping it off at my future house. Brettnay is currently living there until we get married. We've been decorating and purchasing necessities for weeks now. And I thought life would slow down a little!

Maybe life will slow after the wedding, and maybe not. I learned a while ago that life isn't about wishing things would come sooner or wanting time to move slower. Some people spend their days wishing it was tomorrow, and some people spend them hoping tomorrow never comes.

God says in Ecclesiastes that there is a time for everything. He mentions several things like a time to laugh, cry, go to war, have peace, etc. The point of the passage is that there is a time for everything in life and all things are under His control. People get all out of whack when things don't happen exactly as planned or when something bad happens. They fail to realize that everything happens right when God allows it to.

Have you ever heard someone say, "When it rains, it pours"? The phrase means that everything seems to happen all at once. I have my own theory about that. I think we tend to make a bigger deal about minor things when we are already stressed about something else. It seems like everything is going wrong at once when really most of the time, there is only one major thing and a few minor issues.

When things don't seem to be going our way, we wish the whole thing would just be over with. Sometimes we know something is coming up, so we wish time would just stop. Christ wants us to live in the time we are in. He gives us the trials we have to teach us. Sometimes it's to give us the ability to influence others for the better. So stop and smell the roses from time to time and allow yourself to enjoy today!

I can't wish that life would slow down because there is much I need to do between now and the wedding to prepare myself. I'm also looking forward to my wedding and sometimes it seems I can't wait for it to be here, but I have to make sure that I don't miss today. God may have something special for me. I don't want to rush right past it.

Keep thinking friends,

Simeon Brazzell
I Tim 1:12