Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Can it be possible that we are already almost a month into 2016?! Simeon and I have hearts of excitement and expectancy as we begin this year! Lord willing, we will be making a trip to Australia this year. . . we will keep everyone updated as we figure out the details! As we have many decisions and new experiences coming this year, we know that the only place to find the answers our hearts are seeking is in God's Word. Whatever questions you are facing in this year, remember that God says that His Word is our lamp and light. We need not stumble along in the darkness because God has given us light! God gives us enough light to take the next step. As we follow His path for our lives, He continues to give more and more light.
Do you need the light of God's Word to shine in your heart? I believe that all Christians need that light everyday. You may not be facing decisions about leaving the country, but we all have different things on our heart that we need God to guide us in.
It's a new year- I have made resolutions as I'm sure many of you have. One of my resolutions for this year is to read my Bible through cover to cover. A friend from church shared an amazing resource to help stay on track- The KJV Daily Promise Bible.
Read through scripture in a year—and thrill to the promises God makes to you—with The KJV Daily Promise Bible. Featuring the beloved text of the King James Version, every day’s entry features an Old Testament passage, a New Testament passage, and a selection from the Psalms or Proverbs, readable in 15–20 minutes. And each day, a scriptural promise is highlighted, accompanied by a brief devotional thought, inspirational idea, or practical insight. This handsomely-bound volume combines the most trusted and beautiful scripture text with one of the handiest yearly reading formats available. Spend a year with The KJV Daily Promise Bible—it could change your life!

I have been so blessed already this year as I have been daily reading through an Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalm/Proverbs passage each day. There are so many treasures waiting for us in Scripture, all we have to do is read! Our Pastor says, "We need a revolution back to the Bible." How true that is! Let's determine that 2016 will be the year that we all get our hearts deep into God's Word!!
All For His Glory,