No, I'm not yelling at anyone!
Sorry I've taken so long to blog. Saying that things are busy right now would be a gross understatement, but everyone is busy, so it's not really an excuse either.
Next week, I will be having finals at school. Most schools around the country are doing finals next week or the week after. What does that mean exactly? Well, it means that it's the last school related thing you have for that school year. If you are a senior, like myself, it means that you will be graduating, and you have no school responsibilities left to complete for your degree! It means for me that school may be over for life for me. Or is it?
Truth is, you never really get out of school. If you have (or had) one of those dads like I have, then there's a continuous project going on at the house all the time. As soon as you finish building that deck, you start working on mulching all the gardens or replacing the gutter guards. Frankly it can be frustrating for a kid who just wants to have fun. But at the same time, I'm always learning how to do new and useful things.
No one appreciates that aspect of life like they should. Your brain is like a piece of "Silly Puddy" on newspaper. You are constantly "copying" new things then reforming your thought process and "copying" something else. Life makes you learn whether you want to or not. God made us this way. We are like clay on the Potter's wheel. He forms us and shapes us. If He doesn't like what He sees then he breaks us down and starts over. If we harden ourselves, then He's forced to work us over to soften us back up.
Life is learning. Its much easier if we stay soft and pliable. Be open to learning new things whether it be how to use a new tool or what you read in devo's this morning. Sorry kids, schools not out just yet!
Keep thinking friends,
Simeon Brazzell
I Tim. 1:12
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