We've been working with two missionary families while working out the details of our trip. I'd just like to introduce you to them so you can pray for these dear people when you pray for us. The first step of the journey, we'll be in Sydney for a week. Pastor Hernan Hullana will be hosting us. He's married with three adorable kids. They have a primarily Filipino church as there are many Asian immigrants in Australia. Please pray for these sweet people who are willing to help us even though they don't know us at all. They are doing great things in Sydney!

For the second week we are there, we will be with the Marshall family in Brisbane. They've been incredibly helpful as we've planned this survey trip. Bro. Marshall has aided us in searching for flights, getting us visa information, and introducing us to the Hullana's. He has a great reputation in Australia with local pastors and has provided us with good insight into the state of existing Australian churches. Please pray for this man and his family as they serve in Brisbane!
We'll give more details soon as we get things worked out with these families. These are great Christian people, and they have been so very helpful to us! Please add them to your prayer lists! Please continue to pray for Brettnay and I as we have a lot more work to do as we prepare for this trip! Thanks for your prayers thus far!
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