So, I get a question all the time. "Why did you decide on Australia?" Some people are asking out of general curiosity, some ask because they genuinely want to know, and some just plain don't understand the point of mission work. So, to the best of my ability, I'm going to try and break it down.
Australia is not a third world country. In fact, it's very much a first world country! They have skyscrapers, a solid government and political system, and a stable economy. They don't need people to come dig wells or bring medicine and food to the dying. They aren't suffering from a horrible outbreak of a deadly virus or having problems with earthquakes. They are actually very much like America. The hardest thing most Australian people deal with on a daily basis is getting to work on time, just like most Americans. So why are we going?
Mission work is not about taking care of the physical needs of people. While that can be a crucial part of the work in some mission fields, it should not be the main goal. I am a Christian before I am a missionary. As a Christian, it is my responsibility to share the love of Christ with others and to preach and teach the gospel. A missionary is just someone who decides to do those things in a place other than his home country. Unless you've felt the call of God yourself, you cannot explain to someone what that's like, but as a senior in high school I felt the impression of God on my heart to go to Australia and to reach it's people with the gospel. I'm not a well digger, a medical doctor, or a humanitarian aid worker. I'm just a Christian with a call from God to do His work in Australia.
So, how did I receive my call? If you're expecting to hear that I was riding a horse on my way to Damascus when a bright light blinded me and told me to go, I'm going to have to disappoint you. I'm just an ordinary guy who felt the impression of a great God on his heart. I don't know what God is going to do through me and my wife. I don't know what undertakings we'll take on in the future. All I know is I'm a Christian. That means no matter where God puts me, I have one goal and one objective. I need to reach as many people as I can with the gospel and the love of Christ. That's the end of the story. Why Australia? Because Australians need to hear that God loves them, died for them, rose again for them, and wants to spend eternity with them in Heaven. Pure and Simple!
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